The trial attorneys you want on your side when there’s a lot at stake.

Accused of a crime? Involved in a contested divorce? Hundreds have turned to the Price Law Group in Canton to help them prevail in settlements, trials and appeals.

Of course this is stressful. But after a talk with one of our litigation lawyers, you’ll know you’re in good hands.


We can often help you achieve what you need by expertly negotiating a settlement. In fact, our willingness to go to court can help secure settlement terms that are in your favor.


Due to the uncertainties, many law firms typically avoid the courtroom. But when a trial is called for, our legal professionals prepare diligently and litigate aggressively to help you come out ahead.


If it seems that justice hasn’t been fairly served in a trial, we can appeal to a higher court for a better outcome. All along the way, we keep you informed so you know what’s likely to happen.


How Most Lawsuits and Criminal Charges Are Resolved

This could be the best approach for you too.

This could be the best approach for you too.

Although you might start out wanting your day in court, you should know that going to trial is generally a difficult and uncertain process that will likely take a toll on you, even when you have the best legal representation. That’s why, in most civil and criminal cases, a pre-trial solution is negotiated that satisfies what is most important to both parties. In a criminal case, you might agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge with less punishment. In a divorce case, a suitable compromise on asset division or child custody terms may be found.

Typically, a trial is considered a last resort.

Typically, a trial is considered a last resort.

But it may still be the best option when the parties can’t come to an agreement, or if we think we have a particularly strong case for getting a better outcome. Even when our attorneys explain why taking the settlement is a better choice, you have a legal right to reject it and proceed to trial. If that’s the case, we will still represent your interests in court with the same competitive zeal and professional confidence that Price Law Group trial attorneys have become known for.


Resolving Disputes so People Can Move On With Their Lives

Such trials generally involve two issues.

Such trials generally involve two issues.

The divorce itself is typically not one of them. Civil litigation comes into play when the divorcing couple can’t agree on how to split their financial and other assets; or when they can’t agree on child custody or visitation arrangements. If one or more lawsuits between the parties can’t be resolved in negotiation, a civil court judge listens to the arguments made by each spouse’s attorney and makes a final determination.

Be sure to stick with the core issues.

Be sure to stick with the core issues.

Judges aren’t interested in the details of the dispute that led to the couple's divorce. Bringing up a lot of personal drama in a child custody trial is a sure way to lose. To gain the trust of the judge, your attorney will help to present you as the more reasonable party. Naturally there is always some uncertainty about the outcome. But with our attorneys’ deep experience, we generally know in advance how a trial will go, and work as much as possible to control the proceedings and minimize that uncertainty.


Putting the Burden of Proof on the Prosecutor

Experience is key for criminal trial attorneys.

Experience is key for criminal trial attorneys.

In a criminal case, the prosecutor is trying to prove the defendant’s guilt. In most cases, the defendant’s attorney knows that it’s not their role to prove innocence, but rather to show weaknesses in the prosecutor’s argument. Criminal trials always include a jury, which decides whether to acquit the defendant, deeming them innocent and free to go; or to convict them, in which case the judge decides on the sentence. That punishment may range from jail time or financial penalties to community service or probation.

But it’s really not that simple.

But it’s really not that simple.

Your Price Law Group criminal trial attorney also knows much about various judges and legal venues, and will work to have the trial conducted by a judge, or in a court, that is likely to be more sympathetic to you or your circumstances. Based on our existing relationships with judges and prosecutors, we’re also able to navigate pre-trial and post-trial legal and procedural issues that may come up. Along the way, we keep you informed so you’re prepared for whatever is next.


A Different Strategy for Achieving

a Better Outcome

What happens when a trial doesn’t go your way?

What happens when a trial doesn’t go your way?

If you worked with another law firm and were defeated in the courtroom, the highly experienced appeals court attorneys at Price Law Group are ready to get to work to help turn things around. Even if the lower court’s decision isn’t completely overturned on appeal, our arguments may very well help reduce the damage, for example by reducing a criminal defendant’s sentence. The judge also has the option of ordering a retrial.

Appeals court trials are more complex.

Appeals court trials are more complex.

And they require a higher level of expertise, which is why so few other law firms pursue them. Appeals court proceedings aren’t as concerned with questions of guilt or innocence. But we may be able to successfully challenge the lower court’s determination by pointing out legal or procedural problems on the part of the previous court, prosecutor or opposing attorney that may have contributed to a misguided outcome.

Frustrated, uncertain, and not sure where to turn?

No matter what issues you’re facing, we’ve helped people in much worse circumstances.

With more trial experience and case knowledge than many law firms, the people at Price Law Group take personal and professional responsibility for making the law work in your favor. It starts with a conversation.